Cigars from Nicaragua
Nicaragua has quickly become one of the most popular regions to grow tobaccos and produce cigars. You probably couldn't name all of the factories and cigar brands that use or are in Nicaragua, but there are some major players here. Joya de Nicaragua, Drew Estate & Oliva are some of the largest.
Nicaragua has a the perfect climate and some of the best volcanic soils for growing tobacco. In fact, everything about the region is conducive to growing great tobacco. But the major growing regions in Nicaragua are: Jalap - Which produces a light tobacco with great aroma and a natural sweetness, Esteli - Whose dark, rich soils produce tobaccos known of their strength and punch, Condega - Which produces tobaccos that are right in-between Jalap & Esteli and Ometepe - which is grown on the island of Ometepe, formed from two volcanoes in the middle of Lake Nicaragua, it produces a flavor and aroma all its own, due to being grown in the volcanic soil.